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LA Considering Parcel Tax for November Ballot

The City of Los Angeles is considering the placement of a Parcel Tax Measure for the November 2022 ballot. The tax’s purpose is to provide funding for parks and recreation infrastructure.
The proposed tax rate is not available yet. However, any new tax proposal in the current economic climate is concerning.

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10 Tips for Great Leadership

leader, leadership, management tips

No matter the industry, being able to be an effective leader is a strong skill. Have you ever looked up to someone and thought, “How do I become a better leader like them?”. There are many paths to get there, and in today’s world of uncertainty leadership has never been more important …

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Stop Wasting Time and Be Productive with These Four Time Management Systems

Few industries require the kind of self-starter motivation to succeed that real estate does. That’s why it’s so critical to stay productive. However, in today’s world there are constant barriers to not only staying focused but maximizing effectiveness. Thankfully, there are several systems out there that will allow you to reorganize your time through …

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How Technology Can Maximize the Efficiency of Virtual Work

working from home technology computer

Remote work was on the rise long before the age of COVID. But what was an upward trend has suddenly become the standard, forcing companies to make the transition whether they are ready or not. In today’s world, the ability to maximize efficiency while working virtually is a key component of success …

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