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LA City Moves Forward With Motion That Would Cut Nearly 1,000 LAPD Officers

December 11, 2020
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LAPD police officers

The Los Angeles City Council this Tuesday voted to move forward with a recommendation that would create significant department-wide layoffs. A majority of these cuts will come from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), with nearly 1,000 LAPD officers and over 700 civilian …

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LA City to Consider Motion to Regulate Encampments Amid COVID-19 Homelessness Spike

December 9, 2020
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homelessness encampments

Although COVID-19 health crisis has taken center stage, the homelessness crisis has not gone away. In fact, the situation has only worsened under the pandemic, with less City and County revenue for homelessness services. As a result, the City has been unable to deal with the rapid development of encampments …

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LA Launches LA Optimized to Support Small Businesses

December 2, 2020
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small businesses

Launching early next year, LA Optimized is a new program offered by Los Angeles to support small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to increased levels of unemployment and uncertainty, many newer businesses have found it more difficult to …

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Proposition 15 Defeat Shows California Prioritizes Growth and Small Businesses

November 23, 2020
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Proposition 15

The defeat of Proposition 15, the state’s largest tax initiative, is indicative of California’s strong preference for economic growth and small businesses. If approved, Proposition 15 would have raised taxes for thousands of local small businesses, while increasing the cost of living for everyday consumers. Fortunately, Proposition 15’s decisive defeat is a strong message to …

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New LA City Councilmembers Renew Focus on Growing Homelessness Crisis

November 20, 2020
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homelessness Councilmember

With three new fresh faces, the Los Angeles City Council should get significant progress made on the homelessness crisis within the coming months. In this past election cycle …

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New Culver City Tax Will Cost Commercial Property Owners Millions

November 13, 2020
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Culver City

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic’s drastic impact on local tax revenue, the Culver City’s City Council voted 4-1 voted to play a tax proposal on the November 3 ballot. Voters would follow suit, with Measure RE being narrowly approved at just a margin of 819 votes. BOMA/GLA opposes this measure, as we believe the tax places an unfair onus on property owners …

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Proposition 15 is Defeated!

November 12, 2020
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Proposition 15

Last Wednesday night, the Associated Press officially called the results of Proposition 15. Proposition 15, the largest property tax increase in California history, was defeated last night by a margin of more than 550,000 votes! This ends a challenge to dismantle …

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Property Tax Relief Available for Civil Unrest Damages

November 9, 2020
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tax relief damages

According to the Los Angeles County Tax Assessor, you may be eligible for Misfortune or Calamity Property Tax relief if your property has been damaged by a natural disaster or other unforeseeable, sudden, and unusual occurrences. Filing a claim will temporarily reduce the assessed value of your property – and your property taxes. Granted, these values will remain in effect until …

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Election Updates – Prop. 15, Prop. 21, and Local Elections

November 4, 2020
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People Voting

This election is a nail-biter, and with many ballots still being counted, many of the close races, including Proposition 15, are still up in the air. However, some local races are likely to be called, including Nithya Raman and Mark-Ridley Thomas, who both have substantial leads in their races.

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Tell Your Friends – Proposition 15 Will Increase Cost of Living and Reduce Government Services

October 30, 2020
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Proposition 15

In the conversation regarding Proposition 15, most people pay attention to how a Split Roll tax regime would raise property taxes and hurt businesses in California. While the economic impacts of Prop. 15 are important to note, more attention needs to be placed on how Split Roll will affect families and important government services. Namely, Proposition 15 will increase basic costs while reducing available revenue for government programs.

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