Since the start of the COVID pandemic, record numbers of people have begun working from home. About one-third of Americans now report to work from a home office. This could be in their kitchen, their bedroom, or even a garage …
Continue ReadingOn January 19th, the Pacific Legal Foundation issued the first legal challenge on LA County’s commercial eviction moratorium on behalf of a small Lawndale commercial landlord. The court case, titled Iten v. County of Los Angeles, seeks to overturn the Countywide commercial eviction moratorium. Although it was set to expire in May of last year, it has been continuously extended. It will likely be extended by the County within the coming …
Continue ReadingThis past December, the Los Angeles City Council approved a recommendation to cut over 1,000 Los Angeles Police Department officers and over 700 civilian law enforcement staff. Additionally, this comes on top of a $150 budget cut …
Continue ReadingAaron Taxy, BOMA/GLA’s Director of Government and Public Affairs, was officially elected as Vice Chair to the BizFed Political Action Committee. In effect, this new position makes Aaron the Chair-designate for 2023 through 2024. The BizFed Political Action Committee (PAC) is the well-resourced, highly effective sister PAC of the …
Continue ReadingNot that long ago, smart buildings were seen as the wave of the future of commercial real estate. But the future is here now, and it’s not just new developments that are being built smart. Existing buildings are being refitted as smart buildings …
Continue ReadingAs food service establishments and small businesses continue to struggle due to city and statewide social distancing and safer-at-home orders, the Los Angeles City Council is pursuing a recommendation that would create expedited low or no-cost City approvals for …
Continue ReadingIn an effort to facilitate real-time inspections during COVID-19, the LA Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) has implemented the Virtual Inspection Progam, allowing city staff to inspect building systems without being present. With COVID-19 preventing in-person gatherings, this virtual inspection program will be able to …
Continue ReadingWhile the COVID-19 vaccine has been slowly distributed across the country, local jurisdictions must still continue to address their longstanding health concerns. For one, the pandemic has disproportionately affected the homeless community …
Continue ReadingThe past year has been a challenging one. To be sure, the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in an unprecedented moment in history, with many economies hit hard by government restrictions. During these times, property owners and businesses have also been thrown into the unknown. Fortunately, our Government and Public Affairs department …
Continue ReadingDuring COVID-19, maintaining proper indoor air quality and filtration systems is critical in reducing the risk of infections. Certainly, building owners and managers know that indoor air quality is on the minds of tenants as their employees return to work. There can be some barriers in ensuring that systems work efficiently in providing the most hygienic environment …
Continue ReadingOpinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the positions of BOMA Greater Los Angeles. For media inquiries and questions about BOMA/GLA's policy positions, please email [email protected]. You can also find additional information about our policy positions on our website.