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Everytable Food Service Amenities Help Redefine the New Workplace Structure Post-Pandemic

April 29, 2022
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The office experience is evolving. CEOs are looking at their employees’ work habits, considering how many days should be required in the office, if any. With an emphasis on maintaining corporate culture and team dynamics, business leaders are asking themselves: should collaboration happen in-person? Will we reserve focus work for home? And most importantly, what should a day at the office look and feel like, now?

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Be the Voice of Our Industry: Fill Out BizFed Pulse Poll Today!

April 26, 2022
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BizFed Pulse

Take the BizFed Pulse Poll Today! The Los Angeles County Business Federation’s (BizFed) biggest annual data project is LIVE – and we’re asking you to participate in the intel-gathering portion of our 2022 Pulse Poll. From now until early May, we’ll be gathering insight from all business community voices.

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Renegotiating Contracts: How to Craft Win-Win Scenarios

April 22, 2022
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There is little doubt that the global spread of an unknown virus unleashed unprecedented problems for American business, and the impact on commercial real estate is both wide and deep. But beyond the problems that every developer, landlord or tenant must face, there are also opportunities that can be identified …

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AB 1001 – A Step Backward on CEQA Reform and Housing Development

April 19, 2022
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CEQA housing

The California legislature is pursuing a bill that would further endanger the state’s housing availability during a time when development is strongly needed. AB 1001 (Garcia, Cristina; D-Los Angeles) would create new highly subjective, non-quantifiable, and litigation-bait standards in CEQA that will threaten California’s economic recovery and ability to construct much-needed housing …

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How Technology is Changing Disaster Management

April 18, 2022
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disaster management

It was not that long ago that disaster management professionals handled crises primarily through landlines and press conferences. Thankfully, over the past 10 years, technology has redefined global emergency management and disaster communications. One of the first national disasters to heavily rely on technology, according to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), was Hurricane Sandy, as…

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Pasadena’s Eviction Moratorium to be Lifted

April 15, 2022
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eviction moratorium

At their April 11th meeting, the Pasadena City Council voted to begin the end of the city’s two-year-long eviction moratorium. The ordinance instructs the city attorney to prepare an ordinance that would sunset the city’s commercial and residential eviction moratoriums. The commercial eviction moratorium would …

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Being Green: Tips to Stay on Top of Recycling Regulations

April 11, 2022
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recycling regulations and waste management

For building management, recycling can be a double-edged sword. We all want to participate in helping the planet, but with constant new regulations, it can seem like recycling programs are more about avoiding fines. Here’s how to stay ahead of the curve and keep it green.

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The 2022 Ballot Initiatives You Need to Know About

April 5, 2022
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ballot initiative

In gearing up for the November 2022 General Election cycle, advocates are beginning their process to gather signatures for 38 ballot initiatives that could significantly change state laws. From taxes to housing, and economic development, these ballot initiatives could prove consequential for years to come.

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Urban Beekeeping and Commercial Real Estate

April 4, 2022
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Urban beekeeping

The commercial real estate industry has long been a leader in promoting sustainable building practices. From using carbon-free technologies, developing energy efficient waste systems, and collaboration with City governments on sustainability measures, the CRE has actively played a role in supporting the environment. In keeping with this trend, urban beekeeping has surfaced as…

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AB 1993 – California’s Sweeping Vaccination Mandate Will Not Move Forward

April 1, 2022
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covid-19 vaccine mandate

In response to swift criticism from unions and public agencies, the California legislature moved to shelve a bill that would have introduced one of the most sweeping vaccination mandates in the state’s history…

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