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What LA’s Business Community Wants in a New Police Chief 

Los Angeles, CA - USA - August 16, 2015:  Police officers on motorcycles performing during 75th Annual Nisei Week Grand Parade in Little Tokyo.

The search is on for the next City of Los Angeles police chief! Mayor Karen Bass released a report outlining the candidates' key qualities and priorities, which could directly affect your properties.

What You Need to Know 

This report gathered feedback from business leaders, community members, and LAPD officers.

Key priorities they want the next police chief to focus on are: 

  • Addressing crime and safety in business areas
  • Implementing a clear public safety strategy 
  • Building community trust and engagement
  • Focusing on transparency and accountability
  • Reforming the disciplinary system
  • Improving officer morale and working conditions

Business leaders urge the next chief to focus on street safety. With the 2028 Olympics approaching, safety is crucial for maintaining property values and attracting tourists.

How It Impacts You

If the new chief follows business feedback in this report, we can expect some positive changes.

We may see more police in busy areas. This could create a safer environment for tenants and their customers. Possibly boosting economic activity.

New approaches to homeless encampments may be implemented. This could improve the perception of safety and cleanliness around your properties.

A focus on community policing could improve relationships between police and local businesses. This may lead to faster response times.

Better communication between LAPD and businesses could result in more effective safety initiatives. This may help you address security concerns more efficiently.

Stay Connected

Business community input has been shaping the search for the new LAPD Chief.

With their selection expected in the coming weeks, follow BOMA on the Frontline for updates. 

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