Fate of the BOMA Cal Top 8 and Looking to the New Legislative Session

We wanted to provide you with an update on the fate of BOMA California’s Top 8 priority bills and hopes for the new legislative session.
What You Need to Know
Bills Supporting Business Growth:
- AB 2433 Tackles the long wait times in the building permit process by creating flexible fee structures and inspection timelines. As well as allowing the use of private professional services under certain conditions. After passing the Assembly, the bill was held in the Senate Local Government Committee before being withdrawn by the author. [DEAD - WITHDRAWN BY AUTHOR]
- AB 3196 Sets clear timelines for resolving commercial property disputes, reducing delays and costs. [DEAD - PASSED ASSEMBLY, BUT HELD IN THE SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE]
- AB 3068 & AB 2910 Promote converting commercial spaces into homes or mixed-use areas with financial incentives and simpler permissions. [BOTH BILLS VETOED BY GOVERNOR]
- SB 1227 aims to revitalize San Francisco’s Downtown by easing environmental rules for specific projects. [DEAD]
Bills to Oppose:
- SB 1103 imposes costly mandates on landlords, including translation requirements and limits on expense recovery, potentially raising rents and reducing leasing flexibility. [SIGNED INTO LAW BY THE GOVERNOR]
- AB 2364 has been amended to a study bill. Meaning that the UCLA Labor Center will be required to conduct a study on how worker safety can be improved in the janitorial industry. We must be wary of future bills that could still aim to create a council (like the Fast Food Council) that then would be empowered to set regulations around workplace conditions, undermining the collective bargaining process as this bill originally envisioned. [SIGNED INTO LAW BY THE GOVERNOR]
- AB 2374 extends the time janitors must be kept after losing their jobs to 90 days and requires preferential hiring based on seniority, potentially raising operating costs for properties and tenants due to the retention of extra employees. [DEAD - PASSED ASSEMBLY, BUT HELD IN THE SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE]
Take Action
Your voice is crucial in protecting our industry! We are very thankful to our BOMA/GLA members that used our action center to contact their legislators to express their concerns over SB 1103, AB 2364 and AB 2374.
Your fierce advocacy efforts allowed the weakening of damaging bills to our industry.
Stay connected to BOMA on the Frontline for updates on the new legislative session coming up where the industry hopes to champion more proactive bills.