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Action Alert: Urgent Call to Veto SB 1103

SB 1103 Final Senate Vote

Senate Bill 1103 passed the legislature by a narrow majority in each house, and our last chance to stop it is with Governor Newsom's veto.

Take action now to ask Governor Newsom to veto this bad bill. Click here to send a message to the governor asking for his veto.

It takes less than a minute to have your voice heard!

Overview of SB 1103

SB 1103 significantly changes California's commercial leasing laws that could harm property owners and the tenants it seeks to protect. Here's why this bill is concerning:

  • Translation of Leases: This requirement adds more administrative burden and legal risks for landlords, possibly discouraging them from leasing to small businesses, particularly those this bill covers.
  • Limitations on Cost Pass-Throughs: By limiting the ability to pass on costs, landlords may have to raise base rents, making it harder for small businesses to afford leases. This could reduce the availability of affordable commercial spaces for the very tenants the bill aims to help.
  • Mandatory Detailed Documentation: The requirement for landlords to maintain exhaustive records and provide them upon tenant request increases operational burdens and costs.
  • Impact on Qualified Tenants: Small businesses and nonprofits—the intended beneficiaries—could face fewer leasing options and higher upfront costs as landlords try to manage the risks and expenses these new rules bring. This could make it harder for them to find spaces in desirable locations.

While SB 1103 is designed to protect tenants, it could actually lead to higher costs and fewer opportunities for the small businesses and nonprofits it intends to support.

Impact on Stakeholders

  • Property Managers: The new lease rules will increase administrative tasks, costs, and possible conflicts and new liabilities.
  • Service Providers Will need to adjust their services and contracts to meet the new legal requirements, which will increase complexity and expenses.
  • Community at Large: Although intended to help small businesses, this bill could inadvertently raise leasing costs and reduce the availability of commercial spaces, negatively impacting local economies and job creation.

Take Action

We urge you to contact Governor Newsom to express your concerns and request a veto of SB 1103. Here's how you can make your voice heard:

  1. Use our one-click advocacy tool to send a message directly to the Governor.
  2. Share this alert with your network to amplify our collective voice.
  3. Act now – the Governor could decide at any time!

Together, we can address our industry's concerns and prevent harmful legislation from becoming law.

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