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Advocacy in Action: BOMA/GLA Visits Sacramento

Last week, BOMA/GLA joined forces with other commercial real estate groups at the California Commercial Real Estate Summit (CCRES) in Sacramento.

We took the opportunity to speak directly with lawmakers about critical bills impacting our industry.

BOMA/GLA leaders, including Althea De Pietro, Becky Rios, Nathan Morales, and others, led the charge, attending 15 meetings in one morning (see below for the complete list of lawmakers).

Despite the tight schedule, our team was more than ready!

We engaged legislators and their staff, discussing the "Terrible Twos" threatening our industry.

Senate Bill 1103 would impose new lease requirements for small businesses. Assembly Bill 2364 would increase operational costs for janitorial services.

The direct advocacy from this trip brings home the negative impacts of these bills on our members and communities at large.

Turning Personal Experience Into Direct Advocacy 

Our members shared their personal stories, highlighting how these bills would create new challenges and threaten the success of their buildings. These firsthand accounts make the issue real, showing the actual impact on local businesses and communities.

Commercial properties are the heartbeat of a neighborhood, supporting a diverse ecosystem of businesses that bring vibrancy to the area.

When our members put a face to these impacts, it humanizes the issue.

It adds weight to our advocacy, making our message even more potent to elected officials.

Outcomes and Taking Further Action

You don't need to travel to Sacramento to take action! We have a new one-click advocacy tool that will let you and your team take action from your office or home.

It takes less than two minutes to send your representative a message opposing SB 1103.

SB 1103 could be voted on any day now.

Additionally, since our meetings on Wednesday last week, we have received updates on AB 2364 and AB 2374.

AB 2374, which would have significantly expanded the displaced janitor act, has been held in committee and is effectively dead for the current session.

With AB 2364, which would have dramatically increased janitorial expenses by setting up workload limits has been amended to be a study bill.

We are are still advocating the terms of the study, but the most immediate imapct of this bill on our members has been muted.

Together, we can continue to advocate for a thriving commercial real estate industry in California.

Stay connected to BOMA on the Frontline for more updates on this legislative session.  

Meetings Held

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