LA City Council to Enforce ADA Violations Along Rights of Way

On June 1, LA City Council voted to prohibit individuals from obstructing public rights of way without the necessary permits, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Although the ordinance technically intends to address all ADA violations, it will inevitably increase enforcement against illegal popups and encampments adjacent to BOMA/GLA member buildings.
The ordinance is therefore a welcome step forward to address issues BOMA/GLA members face along Los Angeles's rights of way.
That said, the city will likely experience delays in addressing individual incidents because the ordnance includes a potentially problematic "education first, enforcement last" mandate.
Therefore, BOMA/GLA will continue to advocate for more aggressive enforcement to make our rights of way more accessible.
You can contact your LA City Councilmember's office or call 3-1-1 if you see an obstruction near your building that you believe violates the ADA, such as if it is within 36 inches of a building entrance.
Big Picture: What does ADA Enforcement Mean?
In practice, this ordinance is an important step in the city's commitment to enforce the anti-encampment ordinance, 41.18.
After all, ADA enforcement was a priority for City Council when it voted to reinstate 41.18 last Fall.
Despite these baby steps, Los Angeles will need to more aggressively enforce illegal camping, direct individuals experiencing homelessness to services, and build more nimble housing and shelter to meaningfully address the homelessness crisis on our streets.
Several BOMA/GLA public policy committees advocate on behalf of policies to address the homelessness crisis and educate members on both policy developments and best practices for your buildings to address related issues.
Join a committee today, and get involved with our efforts.